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Source blending sound samples

  • The Zip file contains monophonically rendered sound files used in the source level blending evaluation. The sound samples provided are recorded from a violin ensemble performance at Detmold Concert House as a part of an investigation on the influence of acoustic environment on the impression of blending [1]. DPA 4099 clip-on microphones were used to capture individual violins in the performance. Each sound sample consists of two violin signals that were rendered by downmixing to a monophonic format at 44.1kHz/16-bit depth. The impression of blending between the two violins in each sample was rated by a group of trained listeners, and the results are provided in the description file. Please refer to the publication for more details on the performance of the violin ensemble. Also, please cite the publication if these samples are used for scientific evaluations. [1] Jithin Thilakan and Malte Kob, “Evaluation of subjective impression of instrument blending in a string ensemble”, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 in Wien, pp. 524-527.

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Author:Jithin babu Pozhamkandath Thilakan, Malte Kob
Document Type:Research data
Date of Publication (online):2022/06/23
Date of first Publication:2022/06/24
Publishing Institution:Hochschule für Musik Detmold
Release Date:2022/06/24
Institutes:Erich-Thienhaus-Institut (ETI)
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
