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Bassoon Directivity Data

  • Supplementary Material to the publication: Timo Grothe and Malte Kob: „High resolution 3D radiation measurements on the bassoon“ in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Acoustics, 13.-17. September 2019, Detmold, Germany (ISMA2019), S. 139-145.

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  • Sound pressure levels recorded at 37 x 73 equiangularly distributed measurement points on a sphere around a modern German bassoon fingered for the note F3. Directivity data for the first twelve harmonics is provided herewith as a *.mat file.

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Author:Timo Grothe, Malte Kob
Parent Title (English):High resolution 3D radiation measurements on the bassoon
Document Type:Research data
Year of Completion:2020
Date of first Publication:2020/11/03
Publishing Institution:Hochschule für Musik Detmold
Release Date:2020/11/03
Institutes:Erich-Thienhaus-Institut (ETI)
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
